Pubblicazioni Internazionali: 2005-07

* * * Conferences and Magazines * * * V. Cipolla Ficarra, Ph.D.



--> English

HCI International 2005: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Las Vegas, Nevada - USA:



1) An Evaluation of Meaning and Content Quality in Hypermedia

2) HEDCDEH: A Heuristic Evaluation Disk for Communication and Design in Hypermedia

3) Heuristic Evaluation of Animated Help in Hypermedia

4) Multimedia and Languages for Children: Semiosis for Universal Access

5) Synchronism and Diachronism into Evolution of the Interfaces for Quality Communication in Multimedia Systems



1) Blended Learning and Multimedia for Adult People



Nelson Gonçalves (Portugal), Tyler Harder (Canada), Dott.ssa Glenda Micheletti (Italy), DeAgostini (Italy), Electronic Arts (Spain), Microsoft (Spain), Contacto Visual (Portugal), Ubisoft (France), Zeta Multimedia (Spain), Guareschi Archives (Italy), The City council of Brescello (Italy), PDAs (HP-Compaq, Palm, Sony, Toshiba and Dell - Spain), mobile phones (LAG, Motorola, Siemmens and Nokia - Spain), ALAIPO and AINCI (Italy and Spain).

More information:

The original papers, which have been published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey, USA. Editor: Gavriel Salvendy, Ph.D. - Human Computer International 2005, ISBN 0-8058-5807-5. Digital format: CD-ROM.


CollECTeR LatAm 2006 - Collaborative Electronic Commerce Technology and Research. Valparaiso, Chile. 27-29 September 2006.


1) Heuristic Evaluation of the Quality in E-commerce Hypermedia (HEQEH)

More information:

All acepted submissions will be published in regular ISBN proceedings, and the best papers will be published in the peer reviewed Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research. Editor: Narciso Cerpa, Ph.D. - Universidad de Talca. Format: magazine.


HCI International 2007: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Beijing, P.R. China:


1) Aporia in the Maps of the Hypermedia Systems

2) A Study of Acteme on Users Unexpert of Videogames

3) Evaluation and Communication Techniques in Hypermedia Design for Cultural Heritage

4) MEDIE: Method for a Evaluation of the Design in Industrial E-commerce


Session Parallel - Coordination and Direction - Cipolla-Ficarra, Ph.D.

Tittle: "Quality Methodologies for the Diffusion of the Cultural Heritage through Hypermedia Systems: E-learning, E-commerce and Tourism".



Nelson Gonçalves (Portugal), Carlos Alberto (Spain), Matteo Vignoli (Italy), Dott.ssa Emma Nicol (United Kingdom), Dott.ssa Cristina Zoccoli (Italy), Dott.ssa Elena Manzoni (Italy), Dott.ssa Glenda Micheletti (Italy), Contacto Visual (Portugal), Electronic Arts (Spain), Microsoft (Spain), Ubisoft (France), Zeta Multimedia (Spain), Gameloft Ibérica (Spain), Guareschi Archives (Italy), The City council of Brescello (Italy), Museum Peppone and Don Camillo (Italy), ALAIPO and AINCI (Italy and Spain).

More information:

The original papers, which have been published by Springer-Verlag (Heidelberg, Germany), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Editor: Constantine Steephanidis, Ph.D. - Human Computer International 2007, Digital format: DVD-ROM.


--> Español

Una serie de artículos relacionados con los Factores Humanos de los actuales profesionales teóricamente dedicados a la Interacción Persona-Ordenador (HCI, Human-Computer Interaction) han sido publicados en la revista Latinoamérica de comunicación Chasqui - Ciespal (2005-07).

Los títulos son:


1) Interacción persona-computador: Sálvese quien pueda (Septiembre 2005)

2) Byte y Píxel: Interacción persona-computador (Junio 2006)

3) ¿Quo vadis ética y estética? (Abril 2007)


Más información:

Ciespal - Chasqui



--> Italiano

Una serie di articoli legati ai Fattori Umani degli attuali professionisti che teoricamente si dedicano all’Interazione Persona-Computer (HCI, Human-Computer Interaction) e alla Multimedialità sono stati pubblicati nella sezione informatica della rivista Latino-americana di comunicazione. Chasqui - Ciespal (2005-07).


1) Interazione Persona-Computer: Si Salvi Chi Può

* * * Prossimamente il resto della versione in italiano di questi articoli * * *